
Graceful friends OST
Various Artists
Production Company
Release Date
2020. 8. 15
Play Music
Songs in the Album

2. Lost
3. Where are you 
4. Cheers
5. Condolence
6. MONALISA (Inst.)
7. Lost (Inst.)
8. 어디에 있나요 (Inst.)
9. Cheers (Inst.)
10. 위로 (Inst.)
11. Labyrinth
12. Doubt and sincerity
13. An unsolved mystery
14. Misplaced Love
15. Timid Friends
16. A Killing Smile
17. Tears of Daddy
18. Moonlight (Scat Ver.)

About the Album

Executive Producer 김우택
Executive Director 김승민
Director 김기태

Production & Marketing 김기태, 주해림
Distribution 이병옥, 천단비, 주선희, 주혜진, 이미리, 공유림
Administration & Accounts 김보영, 조혜윰, 임성공


Executive Producer 김우택
Executive Director 장경익
Director 신대식

Production 문형섭, 강유리, 나용훈
Administration & Accounts 박향, 곽정미, 송경진

Drum 신석철, 신승규
Guitar 이성렬, 전형기, 박신원
Bass 박한진, 혁준이, 조세희@AIMING, 유현욱
Piano & Keyboard 엄기엽, 신민, 성규호, 김영호
Brass TST (김동하, 이한진, 김수환)
Chorus 김현아, 울랄라세션, 스테파니 (Stephanie)
Synth U-turn
Arranged by 김바로

Cover Designed by dinklelee

Recorded by 정기홍(최다인, 이찬미)@Seoul Studio, 이경호@CS MUSIC& Studios, 장민@M Creative Sound, 오형석@타이탄스튜디오
Mixed by 정기홍(최다인, 이찬미)@Seoul Studio, 고현정@Koko Sound Studio, 김희재@CS MUSIC& Studios, 박혁@Soundpool
Mastered by 전훈@Sonic Korea, 도정회, 박준@SoundMAX, 황병준

Music Director 엄기엽


11. Labyrinth
Composed & Arranged by 박민지
Piano 박민지
Scat 한수지


12. Doubt and sincerity
Composed & Arranged by Fara Effect 
Violin Solo 김미정
Piano 안소영


13. An unsolved mystery
Composed & Arranged by Fara Effect 
Rhythm Programmed by 홍승현  
Piano 안소영


14. Misplaced Love
Composed & Arranged by 박민지
Piano 박민지


15. Timid Friends
Composed by L.a.V-2
Arranged by L.a.V-1, L.a.V-2
Guitar 이성렬
Bass 박한진
Drum 신석철
Synth & Midi 엄기엽


16. A Killing Smile
Composed by L.a.V-2
Arranged by L.a.V-1, L.a.V-2
Guitar 이성렬
Bass 박한진
Drum 신석철
Keyboard 엄기엽, 신민
Chorus 함규훈


17. Tears of Daddy
Composed & Arranged by 김희진
Guitar 김희진
Keyboard 김희진


18. Moonlight (Scat Ver.)
Composed & Arranged by L.a.V-2
Piano 엄기엽
Scat 한수지

Recorded & Mixed by 이경호@CS MUSIC& Studio
Mastered by 전훈@Sonic Korea

Music Video